Monthly Archive: October, 2018

Crest Line (a text of Pierre Chappuis translated by Vadim Bystritski)

Hills, series of hills. This row of burial mounds or tumuli — ancient tombs observed in times of peace. This silent, cohesive group of wild boar on the move, their spine spiked, or… Continue reading

Let Us Continue with Our Work (a text of Michèle Finck translated by Vadim Bystritski)

In a crude hospital light, burning by the side of my dying father; remembering how coming out of coma, he had a sweet baby smile, the kind you find in the music of… Continue reading

Stupid Flies (a text of Pascal Commere translated by Vadim Bystritski)

The only thing that really matters is finding a way to get rid of these creatures. Imagine yourself in a sad situation of the bovines — without hands, just a tail — a… Continue reading

Peek-a-boo (a text of Robert Desnos translated by Vadim Bystritski)

Everything was like in a drawing made for children. The moon had an opera hat reflected in different lakes at eight different angles. A fantom, dressed in a shroud of the latest fashion,… Continue reading

To Those Without a Neck (a text of Robert Desnos translated by Vadim Bystritski)

Houses without windows, without doors, with the caved in roofs, doors without locks, A guillotine with a missing blade… I am talking to you, hey, people without ears, Or nose, eyeless, hairless, brainless… Continue reading

Apparition ( a text of Robert Desnos translated by Vadim Bystritski)

Born of mud, shooting from the sky, more fluttering than a cloud, harder than marble, Born of joy, gushing from sleep, more buoyant than wreckage, tougher than a heart, Born of a heart,… Continue reading

Faces of Death (text of David Dumortier translated by Vadim Bystritski)

Pierrette Groin Madam Pierrette Groin was buried this morning with a lot of makeup on. She had been dragging out her sickness for a very long time. She had never mentioned it because she… Continue reading

Thighs of Train Stations (a text of Linda Maria Baros translated by Vadim Bystritski)

It is a night-piercing shrill they utter, those heads buried under bridges And what kind of trains pass over them, moving from one bifurcation to the other on the railroads mapped by my… Continue reading

Midway (a text of Robert Desnos translated by Vadim Bystritski)

  There is that precise moment in life, exact point within a fraction of a second when a man is at the midway of his life. It passes faster than a furtive look… Continue reading

Come (a poem of Robert Desnos translated by Vadim Bystritski)

Come, says one Englishman to another, and the latter comes. Côme, says the station master, and a passenger, a suitcase in his hand, gets off the train. Come, says one Spaniard to the… Continue reading