Monthly Archive: March, 2019

Autofiction 6 February (a text of Eric Chevillard translated by Vadim Bystritski)

Mr André Dugas, retired, claims that he has observed an oblong spaceship landing near his residence; then within a few seconds, three oblong creatures appeared out of the vessel and speaking to him… Continue reading

Autofiction 16 January (a text of Eric Chevillard translated by Vadim Bystritski)

Those young men that panhandle, while wearing camouflage uniform, they have finally pulled it off — I do not see them. Ces jeunes gens qui font la manche en parfaite tenue de camouflage… Continue reading

Autofiction 5 January (a text of Eric Chevillard translated by Vadim Bystritski)

They say that one out of two Frenchmen complain of back pain. I guess it’s the one who carries the other. Un Français sur deux souffre du dos, dit-on. J’imagine que c’est celui… Continue reading

Autofiction 26 December (a text of Eric Chevillard translated by Vadim Bystritski)

It only takes one match to heat my hut. Une allumette me suffit pour chauffer ma hutte.

Autofiction 25 December (a text of Eric Chevillard translated by Vadim Bystritski)

In our provincial art museum, there is a very beautiful — of beautifully crackled finish too — and not so much guarded painting by George de La Tour, which I consider as my… Continue reading

Autofiction 21 December (a text of Eric Chevillard translated by Vadim Bystritski)

A young woman in the street offered me her love for fifty euros, which was a true bargain. But then concidering the price, was such bid something anyone could take seriously? Could she… Continue reading

Autofiction 16 December (a text of Eric Chevillard translated by Vadim Bystritski)

Imagine, if Beethoven were blind, what a wonderful painter he would be! Imaginez Beethoven aveugle, quel merveilleux peintre il aurait fait !

Autofiction 6 December (a text of Eric Chevillard translated by Vadim Bystritski)

They want to know if I have chosen a cemetery where I want to be buried. By gosh, no! On the other hand, I know of a quiet little square, where I would… Continue reading

Autofiction 5 December (a text of Eric Chevillard translated by Vadim Bystritski)

I don’t believe having already shared this with anyone, but sometime in October of 1986, that is at the age of 22, with the tip of my shoe, I repeatedly pushed rolling in… Continue reading

Autofiction 11 November-2 (a text of Eric Chevillard translated by Vadim Bystritski)

Being afflicted by poor sight for as long as I can remember, I have finally acquired a reading eyes dog — he originally applied to work with the blind, but came one point… Continue reading