Monthly Archive: September, 2023

Nature (a text of Henry Michaux translated by Vadim Bystritski)

. . Man enjoys wandering on river banks without ever wondering why. Believing to contemplate the river, he contemplates the circulatory system, wherein he is but a delicate island with his organs and… Continue reading

Mr Aragon’s Funeral Monument (a text of Jean Ristat translated by Vadim Bystritski)

I. writing preserves our memory as amnesia invades our dreams the way a hullabaloo invades an unkempt  garden where lilies and wet grass pile up smells that make me think of you my… Continue reading

Waking up in a New Reality (a text of Henry Michaux translated by Vadim Bystritski)

. . It will soon be nine months since the event, when awakening in the morning my whole being was perfidiously shook to its very foundation, thus altering the reality wherever I could… Continue reading

So When Are You Coming? (a text of Henri Michaux translated by Vadim Bystritski)

. . So when are you coming? One day reaching across the neighborhood where I lived at the moment when I really felt  at the end of the rope in a blink of… Continue reading

Martha (a text of René Char translated by Vadim Bystritski)

. You with your ever-growing presence, Martha, how could I ever forget you, the fountain reflecting my lonely royalty, these ancient walls show little interest in you.  United without dealing with each other,… Continue reading

The Seine in Paris (a text of Jean Tardieu translated by Vadim Bystritski)

. to those who prefer rivers to regrets deep monuments to souvenirs love flowing water shared by cities the Seine  of Paris recognizes my devotion to its banks sweetened by books not a breath… Continue reading

About the Chinese Characters (a text of Henri Michaux translated by Vadim Bystritski)

. in this light any written page, any surface covered with characters swarms and brims with things and lives, all those things that fill the world the Chinese world . full of moons,… Continue reading

Hopscotch (a text of Jean Cocteau translated by Vadim Bystritski)

. Standing on one foot after tracing with chalk the lines of hopscotch now branching out into the adjacent streets, he began an endless itinerary where the smallest misstep could destroy his powers.… Continue reading

A Traveller (a text of Jean Cocteau translated by Vadim Bystritski)

. The faster he walked the closer he got to his house, and the closer he got to it, the more the house shrank, becoming unlivable. The distance covered solidified behind him with… Continue reading

Alone (a text of Jean Cocteau translated by Vadim Bystritski)

. Alone when standing. Alone when sitting. Alone when lying down. Alone when grilled. Alone when quartered, pulled by work horses, seeing nothing but their rumps. Alone when hanged with the sperm transforming… Continue reading