Category Archive: Isabelle Pinçon

Most Peculiar -XIII (a text of Isabelle Pinçon translated by Vadim Bystritski)

How to die? The man says that there are hundred and one ways to go and they are all pretty tough. His method of choice is with someone inside him. He would sit… Continue reading

Most Peculiar -XII (a text of Isabelle Pinçon translated by Vadim Bystritski)

While I am continually rocking him in a hammock, he’d say, “A woman may hide inside her another woman, who may also hide inside her another woman, who may also hide inside her… Continue reading

Most Peculiar -XI (a text of Isabelle Pinçon translated by Vadim Bystritski)

The first time they came, he had no form of identity on him. He answered all their questions, but that wasn’t enough. As the last resort, he showed them his birthmarks, they counted… Continue reading

Most Peculiar -X (a text of Isabelle Pinçon translated by Vadim Bystritski)

In his absence, he took me in his arms. I asked, “How is your wife, dog, Italian neighbor, fish in the tank?” Children were something else. Through lack of positive action rather than… Continue reading

Most Peculiar -IX (a text of Isabelle Pinçon translated by Vadim Bystritski)

The man speaks with abandon. He describes satellite pictures, wonderful lands where I may go some day. Among the rolling spheres that carry in their gravity whatever they can. There, his skin will… Continue reading

Most Peculiar -VIII (a text of Isabelle Pinçon translated by Vadim Bystritski)

Usually, I count till three to fix anything that is there to be fixed, the sun, bird songs, people around me and my idea of love. It’s just like some children’s game, which… Continue reading

Most Peculiar -VII (a text of Isabelle Pinçon translated by Vadim Bystritski)

In the water things are radically different. First of all, we need to learn how to breathe in a new way and the fish there are no help. One wants to break through… Continue reading

Most Peculiar -VI (a text of Isabelle Pinçon)

He calls me twice a day. The first time at 8 a.m. This he does automatically, paying his dues. Then again at bedtime. He hangs up only after obtaining what is due to… Continue reading

Most Peculiar -V (a text of Isabelle Pinçon translated by Vadim Bystritski)

Daily at tea time, I drink a cup of chocolate. I take my time, while he is getting impatient. He’s got everything there to construct the future. In his suitcase he amassed maps… Continue reading

Most Peculiar -IV (a text of Isabelle Pinçon translated by Vadim Bystritski)

Man loves to pass his time under the hood to clean a few nuts and bolts; and when he sees women get near, he adds new shiny parts. Hands filthy with engine grease,… Continue reading