Category Archive: new translations of Francis Ponge

Butterfly (a text of Francis Ponge translated by Vadim Bystritski)

A great struggle takes place down below when like unwashed china flowers fill with sucrose. Sugar surging in the stems, darkness enters the caterpillar’s blinded head and its torso thins out from the… Continue reading

New Spider (a text of Francis Ponge translated by Vadim Bystritski)

Instead of killing all the inhabitants of the Caribbean Islands, we should have seduced them with shows, tight-rope walkers, hunts, and music. (Voltaire) From the times immemorial, it’s been our tradition, though not… Continue reading

Sketching a Fish (a text of Francis Ponge, translated by Vadim Bystritski)

The texture of its belly has nothing to do with the back (not with every fish, but with most), the belly is soft, mushy, vulnerable and depressing – a dented breastplate. Here come the hoses as if inside the airship gondola, from which they hang like guide-ropes… A dangerous subject! We shall not mention rope in the house of the hanged!

Shrimp (an extract from a text of Francis Ponge translated by Vadim Bystritski)

a few chosen ones die a pink death due to the artificial elevation of the temperature in their ambient environment. What does the cooking water reveal? The shrimp, which has an aspect of a certain benign hallucination of view, like a lurching semicolon, and is related to the lobster and in the fresh water currents, crayfish, is a soaring form of the bottom of the sea species.

Earth   (a text of Francis Ponge translated by Vadim Bystritski)

Earth is a moving mixture of the past: the three kingdoms (mineral, vegetable, and animal) are all intertwined and mutually infiltrated, uprooted, and transported away from their origins. This mash, this dough is made out of mineral, vegetable, and animal flesh. The past is not any kind of  memory or other abstract idea, our past is matter itself, matter available to all, the one we shovel and grab.

Wind (a text of Francis Ponge translated by Vadim Bystritski)

And here is my prophetic confession on the subject:  in a trance, the only God that inspires me, is the one saying, “Thou shalt not resemble those who when trying to save their hat, loose their head.” And following my destiny, I prefer allowing these pages to be carried away by the wind, every last one of them, including this one, rather than letting someone use them as their play things, because after all, these are my principles I have jotted down here, and once my voice is heard, or rather read by my readers, the above principles become inscribed, engraved in memory like on some kind of stele and are no longer sensitive to the gusts of wind.

Fire (a text of Francis Ponge translated by Vadim Bystritski)

Fire is selective — every flame is going somewhere… It makes sense to compare its pace to that of animals, because it moves like the amoeba or giraffe – its head bobbing, feet dragging,… Continue reading

Water (a text of Francis Ponge translated by Vadim Bystritski)

If there is an ideology of water, it is expressed in these terms: water escapes me – escapes a clear definition, and leaves a certain residue in me and on paper, amorphous like a stain.

About the Translator

Vadim Bystritski lives and works in Brest, France. There are many people who do the same, and like Vadim they are all passionate about the French Contemporary Prose Poetry. The small difference is… Continue reading

Earth   (a text of Francis Ponge translated by Vadim Bystritski)

Earth is a moving mixture of the past: the three kingdoms (mineral, vegetable, and animal) are all intertwined and mutually infiltrated, uprooted, and transported away from their origins. This mash, this dough is… Continue reading